
(#2 in a 4-part series on our parish identity - scroll down for part #1)

Jesus gave us the Sacraments to call us to worship God, to build up the Church, to deepen our faith, to show us how to pray, to connect us with the living Tradition of the Church, and to sanctify us for eternal life. Yeah...the sacraments do ALL those things! They are at the very center of our Catholic faith life, and therefore must also be central to our life as a parish. This is why the word Sacraments is included in the “tag line” of our St. Brigid parish logo, along with Community, Charity, and Evangelization. These elements are foundational to our identity.

Here is a quick summary of the 7 Catholic Sacraments:

  • The Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

  • The Sacraments of Healing are Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick.

  • The Sacraments of Service are Holy Orders and Matrimony.

In the interest of space, let’s focus on the Sacraments of Initiation in the context of parish life:

As Christian Catholics, we share a lifetime journey of continued learning about the Scriptures, Sacraments, teachings of the Church, and taking an active part in serving Christ and the Church’s mission to build up the Kingdom of God here on earth. This is what our ministries are all about. What we do as a parish should always be rooted in our Baptismal calling. And Eucharist is the ongoing nourishment that we need to follow God’s plan for our lives.

Think about the Baptisms you’ve seen, or all the First Holy Communions throughout the Easter Season last year. It is not only that person that is changed or has taken the next step in their faith, but all of us are challenged to recognize how we too have become different because of this new life in the community. How were/are you inspired? Have you thought lately about how Confirmation gives us the grace and strength we need to be both a disciple (follower) and witness to Christ? How are you stepping out in this role?

Lastly, an INVITATION! Are you or your children or someone you know ready to learn more about becoming Catholic or completing the Sacraments of Initiation? Sessions for all of the following are offered, with most beginning this month. Please contact the parish office as soon as possible:

  • School age children/teens interested in Baptism meet on most Sunday mornings at OLH after 9:30 Mass, with the intent to be fully initiated at the Easter Vigil Mass at St. Patrick in April.

  • Children/teens who missed the traditional reception of Holy Communion will meet on selected Thursday evenings to be prepared for their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.

  • Adults interested in being baptized or have never made their First Holy Communion meet on most Monday evenings throughout the school year.

  • Adults who have made their First Communion and wish to complete their Confirmation can participate in an 8-week program at another Lake County parish. Offered 3 times a year.

  • Children under the age of 7 can be baptized anytime throughout the year, after parents attend a Baptismal preparation class.

Come and feel the joy of a sacramental life!


(#1 in a 4-part series on our parish identity)

Summertime - filled with festivals, parades, farmers markets, picnics, etc. These are all things that reflect who we are as family, or as a community. We have a sense of belonging, of inclusion, of unity. To put it in Christian terms, as a community, we care about one another, we serve and we share, we identify with others, and we are building up the kingdom of God.

How is the concept of community present to you and your family in parish life?

  • Do you simply “go to church” on weekends when it is convenient, or are you a registered parishioner which can give you a sense of belonging and identity? When you register, it also gives the parish a way to welcome you, to know you by name, and to be able to connect with you. Registering in the parish is your commitment to practice your faith. It also is a chance for you and your family to be counted and heard in the parish. It also helps us in planning for the needs of the parish. Registration forms are available at the back of each church or through the parish website.

  • Do you continue to stay involved in learning more and growing deeper in your faith life? There are many ways to do that as an individual or in your family life. Most people who participate in our various Bible Studies or discussion groups or parish events, discover that they meet new people, gain new insights, and again find a new way of belonging, which strengthens their commitment to their faith. If you have children K-8 who do not attend Catholic school, have you registered them for Religious Education classes? That is another level of community for your kids to discover that sense of belonging, as well as for you as their parents. Through the graces of community and service, we belong first to Christ and secondly to one another.

  • Now back to those summer festivities!! Do you have our parish outdoor Mass and Picnic on your calendar? We will come together on Sunday, August 11 at the OLH grotto at 11:00 AM to worship and share the Eucharist as well as picnic food, games, fun, and fellowship. Come and be the St. Brigid Community!